Friday, May 3, 2019

My Blogging Experience

When most people think of blogging, one of the first things that they think of is someone sitting in their mom's basement typing away on his computer about whatever is going on with him that day. What they do not know is that they are most likely a blogger themselves. People often use their Facebook and Twitter pages to keep their friends or followers updated with what they are doing, which by the simplest definition is a blog. Blogging, for me, has allowed me to become a well-educated, functioning member of society. Or, at least more so than I already was when this semester started. This is because I was forced to keep up with the news every day to see if any interesting stories came out that I could write about. This happened every week, but the story that I found most interesting that I posted about was about how Facebook wants to become a "privacy-focused communications platform". The servers would not be completely private, though. Only the messaging portion of the social media website would be private while everything else, like posts and comments, would remain public for all to see. With all of the privacy issues that Facebook has had over the years, including countless leaks of their users private information, I just found the entire ordeal pretty comical.

Some things that I would recommend to future students is to actually go to class every time you meet. It's only once a week and the notes that are put on the board help out tremendously when you are doing the midterm quizzes. It is also just good information to have and understand so we all can become well versed on the protections and limitations of the First Amendment. Another thing that I would recommend is to keep up with your blog posts and do one every week. There is nothing worse than when the mid-term is coming up and instead of having at least the minimum of 6 blog posts up, you have 2 and need to get going on the rest in order to ensure that you can secure a good grade on it. This didn't necessarily happen to me, but nevertheless it is still some pretty good advice to have. One last thing that I would suggest is to try to have fun with it. Blogging isn't supposed to be something that you dread doing, it is supposed to be a fun activity that can actually land you a job somewhere, like Barstool, if you are good enough at it. Try to find articles that interest you and write about them passionately. Not only will this make time go by faster, but it will make the the assignment feel more like a hobby rather than homework. 

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